Juan Vargas tweeted the following:
"It was an honor to attend the unveiling of the Father Brown mural at Chicano Park in #CA51 last weekend.Father Brown meant so much to me & the Barrio Logan community. Proud to see his legacy live on in our community."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Juan Vargas:
"Civilians are dying in Putins illegal war.We must continue supporting Ukraine with military, economic & humanitarian aid. #StandWithUkraine twitter.com/CNN/status/154"Read on Twitter
"All Californiansregardless of immigration statusdeserve assistance with access to basic necessities, including food.This is a welcome step to address food insecurity across our state & will make a difference in communities like #CA51.latimes.com/california/sto"Read on Twitter
"Today marks 53 years since the #Stonewall Riots took place, launching the modern LGBTQIA+ rights movement.Im proud to be an ally & member of the @LGBTQEqCaucus as we continue to fight for equal rights for everyone." on June 28Read on Twitter