Juan Vargas tweeted the following:
"Its been exactly a month since @HouseDemocrats voted to ban assault weapons.Senate Republicans: when will you put #PeopleOverPolitics and #EndGunViolence once and for all?"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Juan Vargas:
"Congratulations to San Diego Countys Teachers of the Year, especially #CA51 teachers Melissa Rains, Juanita Nuez, & Jacqueline Ma. Grateful for your dedication to our students.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/education"Read on Twitter
"So important. #CancelStudentDebt twitter.com/HispanicCaucus" on Aug. 27Read on Twitter
"Proud to honor Diana Amador as our #CA51ConstituentOfTheMonth on #WomensEqualityDay. As a volunteer with Planned Parenthood, Diana is committed to uplifting & empowering our community. Thank you, Diana, for your steadfast commitment to #DefendWomensRights!" on Aug. 26Read on Twitter