Juan Vargas tweeted the following:
"It was a pleasure to attend #NationalNightOut2022 in the Nestor Community yesterday. I was honored to publicly recognize the late Det. Jamie Huntley-Park who tragically lost her life last year.Thank you to our local law enforcement for keeping #CA51 communities safe."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Juan Vargas:
"We can lower costs for working Americans & fight climate change at the same time. Thats what it means to put #PeopleOverPolitics. twitter.com/CNN/status/155"Read on Twitter
"Glad to see the Senate just passed the #PACTAct. Our veterans deserve access to the care and benefits they earned while serving our nation."Read on Twitter
"This is great to see. Weve got to keep working until every American, including those in #CA51, has access to quality & affordable healthcare. twitter.com/POTUS/status/1" on Aug. 2Read on Twitter